Computer for the Cheap

Friday, January 11, 2008

I saw this on Epic Fu and thought Id share.

There's a program called gOS that is basically a free operating system that runs solely on the Internet.

It can run by itself or on top of windows. and  has apparently started selling computers with this pre-installed at only $200.

Also is selling a motherboard(inclu. processor) with the gOS software CD.

Not for the gamers so much as someone who just wants a simple PC. Good inexpensive way to get computers into every classroom? Oh yes.The Smashing Pumpkins - Zeitgeist - Bring the Light

Christmas took my Starbucks money!

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

If you weren't lucky enough to get a Starbucks gift card I bet your missing it the hot smooth drinks right about now. I usually yell things like, "Damn you and your addictive $4 coffee!" as I drive by, followed my much fist shaking.

Well when regular old coffee wont hold you over anymore, don't make a mad dash for your keys and debit card, just make a cheap Frapichino substitute like I do.

Introducing: Shawnachino!

(yes I named it after myself. We are allowed to have our selfish moments every now and then)

What you need:

Plain ole coffee. I have hard that Starbucks uses Italian roast for their coffee. If you can get some then you might try it.

Espresso Machine or Coffee Maker. I was lucky enough to get an espresso maker as a gift one year. Never ask for socks people! What your goal here is to make concentrated coffee. Really freaking strong. If you don't have an espresso maker, I have heard of people running the coffee through twice. Make sure to give your coffee pot a good cleaning afterward if you try this method!

Allot of sugar! I put a cup or more per serving. Then again I am a crazed sugar freak. You might not be. Sweeten to taste!

What to do:
  1. Brew yourself up some strong coffee
  2. Add the sugar while the coffee is still hot so it dissolves fully. This is very important. If you don't then you will have crunchy sugar bits all over in it.
  3. Let the coffee cool. I usually put it in the fridge or briefly in the freezer.
  4. Add milk. You want the concoction to be mostly milk. About maybe 70-20. Look at the color of a Frapichino. Its a very light brown. Pour in the milk until it looks like that.
  5. Taste test.
  6. Add any flavoring you want!
  7. You can melt those leftover chocolate bars from Halloween in the microwave and toss it in.
  8. Enjoy!

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